The Emperors New Clothes

Just a few words of advice, while you are visiting it is very important that you stay hydrated. Please drink at least a gallon of water a day. Now I know that sounds like a lot, but you lose water just through the act of breathing. Open your mouth and go like this "Whooo." You can see your breath, can't you? That's because the moisture in your breath is freezing. Get the picture? Drink water! Another thing, the more water you drink, the easier it is to stay warm, you won't get tired so fast, and it helps to keep arthritic joints lubricated. Now don't take that the wrong way! I'm not implying that anyone is old, but water is very important to keep everyones joints in good working condition. And we don't need anyone passing out because of dehydration. The Skuas sure threw a good party, didn't they?